
Hi, I’m Marc. I started this blog as a way to give back to the developer community for everything I’ve learned along the way from others.

Marc Roussy

I’ve been writing code in one form or other for the past twenty(!?) years. I work mostly in the .NET space and like to dabble in Node.js when I get the chance.

I consider myself a full-stack developer specialized in the back-end. Concretely that means that while I can do front-end work, I’m more skilled at doing back-end work.

I’ve worked extensively with AWS and Azure and have a slight preference for Azure.

Cloud development is my area of expertise. From serverless to Kubernetes and all manners of cloud-native apps. The articles I publish are focused on those topics, although you’ll find the odd article here or there about semi-related subjects.

My professional experience has been spent building enterprise and cloud-native applications across a range of industries. I’m always open to having a conversation on all matters related to cloud development. I can be reached on LinkedIn.

In my spare time, I run a YouTube channel focused on teaching beginners how to use Microsoft Flight Simulator. I love teaching and sharing what I’ve learned, so check it out if you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like to be a pilot!